Soizic Terrien
CNRS - Laboratoire d'Acoustique de l'Universite du Mans
Since January 2021, I work as a CNRS research fellow (chargée de recherche CNRS) at the Laboratory of Acoustics of Le Mans University (LAUM). Previously, I worked as a postdoctoral researcher with Pr. Bernd Krauskopf and Pr. Neil Broderick at The University of Auckland (New Zealand) and with Dr. Eric Chatelet and Dr. Francesco Massi at INSA Lyon. I hold a PhD from Aix-Marseille University, which was supervised by Dr. Christophe Vergez and Dr. Benoit Fabre.
Email address: soizic (dot) terrien (at) univ (hyphen) lemans (dot) fr
My research focuses on nonlinear dynamics of self-oscillating systems, with a focus on systems with a delay mechanism. I use bifurcation theory to investigate (experimentally and/or numerically) the behaviour of such systems depending on their parameters, with applications ranging from acoustics and mechanics to optics. My PhD work focused on sound production mechanisms in flute-like musical instruments. It combined experiments with a musician and a instrument maker with the bifurcation analysis of a physical model of the instrument using advanced numerical methods. This multidisciplinary approach allowed us to better understand the transitions between the different periodic and non periodic regimes, in relation with the expertise of both the musician and the instrument maker.
In 2015, I took a PostDoc position in the Department of Mathematics of the University of Auckland (New Zealand), to work on delay-induced dynamics in pulsing lasers. I performed an in-depth bifurcation analysis of a physical model to investigate the influence of the feedback delay and feedback strength on the laser dynamics.
I moved back to France in October 2018, to work at INSA-Lyon, where I conduct experimental and numerical investigations on the transfer of energy between acoustic fields through the friction nonlinearity.
Main Interests / keywords :
Dynamical systems with delay - Systèmes dynamiques à retard
Non linear dynamics and bifurcations - Dynamique non linéaire et bifurcations
Numerical methods for dynamical systems - Méthodes numériques pour les systèmes dynamiques
Musical acoustics and physics of musical instruments - Acoustique musicale et physique des instruments de musique
Dynamics of lasers with delayed feedback - Dynamique des lasers, excitabilité, boucle de rétroaction
Friction-induced vibrations - Vibrations induites par friction